Undergraduate Admissions

First-Year Applicants

At HU, we aim to recruit and nurture talented students who will make an impactful contribution within the HU community during their academic tenure, as well as continuously contribute to the betterment of society beyond their university life.

Application Requirements

First-year applicants are required to complete and submit their application, accompanied by the necessary supplemental documents. The items you must submit include:

  1. Undergraduate application form (completed).
  2. Secondary or high school diploma. If you have just taken the final exam, send your exam ID card.
  3. Contact information: email address and phone number.
  4. Parent/Guardian contact information.
  5. Nonrefundable $35 application fee.
  6. Optional: If you have recommendation letters, do not forget to include them.


When candidates have filled out the form, gathered all required documents, and compiled the necessary information, they have the option to apply online or submit the package in person to our main office in Mogadishu.