Hope University Policies and Guidelines

Academic Code of Conduct - Upholding the utmost standards of academic integrity

All individuals affiliated with the University engaged in the realms of teaching and research, are held to the utmost standards of honesty and integrity. Specifically, actions such as plagiarism, misrepresentation, and the manipulation of data are strictly prohibited. Furthermore, any research conducted within the University must adhere strictly to the established University policies, procedures, and approvals, in addition to the specific requirements set forth by both governmental and private research sponsors. It is expected that every member demonstrates complete compliance with these guidelines.

Code of Ethical Conduct

The Board of Trustees of Hope University, in its commitment to upholding a distinguished reputation for excellence and integrity, presents the following Code of Ethical Conduct. This code outlines the fundamental principles that we wholeheartedly embrace and expect every individual associated with the University to abide by. This includes all employees, faculty members, officers, trustees, and advisory board members. The principles delineated in this code have been carefully derived from a variety of sources, including federal, state, and local laws and regulations, University policies and procedures, contractual and grant obligations, and widely recognized standards of ethical conduct. By adhering to these principles, we collectively ensure that our actions align with the highest standards of ethical behavior. Our commitment to maintaining the reputation of Hope University goes beyond simply complying with legal and regulatory requirements. It extends to fostering an environment where all University members uphold the principles of ethical conduct in their daily interactions. This Code of Ethical Conduct serves as a guide, providing the framework within which we operate and fulfill our roles and responsibilities. Every member of Hope University is expected to familiarize themselves with this code and integrate its principles into their professional practice. Our collective adherence to these ethical principles not only safeguards our institution’s reputation but also reinforces our commitment to serving our students, community, and society as a whole.

Commitment to uncompromising and exemplary ethical standards

Every individual associated with the University is required to consistently adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct within their endeavors. It is expected that each member of the University acquaint themselves with the applicable laws, regulations, and rules of the institution that pertain to their respective roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, they must comply diligently with not only the explicit directives but also the underlying principles guiding these regulations. To ensure the promotion and observance of such standards, the University will continue to establish initiatives that enhance awareness among members and facilitate the monitoring and enforcement of compliance. Should any uncertainties or concerns arise regarding the legality or appropriateness of any action or inaction performed on behalf of the University, individuals are encouraged to seek guidance from their respective supervisors or contact the Office of General Counsel. These channels serve as the appropriate means to address inquiries or doubts in a timely and professional manner.

Supporting the objectives of the university and preventing conflicts of interest

Hope University, a non-profit institution committed to education and research, upholds the expectation that all its members diligently fulfill their professional obligations to advance the University’s mission. It is the responsibility of each member to steer clear of any conflicts arising from personal interests that may impede their official duties and to adhere to the University’s codes and guidelines regarding disclosure and assessment of actual or potential conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. Moreover, it is impermissible for any member to exploit their affiliation with the University for personal gains. In addition to avoiding actual conflicts, members are also expected to be mindful of steering clear of situations that may create an appearance of a conflict of interest.

Conflict of Interest Policy


Hope University, a non-profit institution committed to education and research, upholds the expectation that all its members diligently fulfill their professional obligations to advance the University’s mission. It is the responsibility of each member to steer clear of any conflicts arising from personal interests that may impede their official duties and to adhere to the University’s codes and guidelines regarding disclosure and assessment of actual or potential conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. Moreover, it is impermissible for any member to exploit their affiliation with the University for personal gains. In addition to avoiding actual conflicts, members are also expected to be mindful of steering clear of situations that may create an appearance of a conflict of interest.

Competing with HU

Engaging, either directly or indirectly, in activities that pose a competition to HU or involve the appropriation or diversion of business opportunities belonging to HU is strictly prohibited. This encompasses two main scenarios: Holding, whether directly or indirectly, any ownership or financial interest (excluding insignificant interests), or assuming an employment, management, or fiduciary position (such as serving as an officer or director) within an entity that competes with HU. Similarly, it includes efforts aimed at promoting the interests of such an enterprise to the HU Community. Appropriating or diverting any business or financial opportunity that an employee is aware of or should be aware of, which HU is actively pursuing, considering pursuing, or likely to be interested in, had it been aware of the opportunity.

Improper Utilization of HU Resources

Engaging, either directly or indirectly, in activities that pose a competition to HU or involve the appropriation or diversion of business opportunities belonging to HU is strictly prohibited. This encompasses two main scenarios: Holding, whether directly or indirectly, any ownership or financial interest (excluding insignificant interests), or assuming an employment, management, or fiduciary position (such as serving as an officer or director) within an entity that competes with HU. Similarly, it includes efforts aimed at promoting the interests of such an enterprise to the HU Community. Appropriating or diverting any business or financial opportunity that an employee is aware of or should be aware of, which HU is actively pursuing, considering pursuing, or likely to be interested in, had it been aware of the opportunity.

Confidential Information Policy

The unauthorized acquisition, utilization, or divulgence of HU Confidential Information for personal interest, gain, or advantage, under any circumstances, is strictly prohibited. Additionally, accessing or employing HU Confidential Information in a manner that may cause harm or undermine HU’s interests is forbidden. Furthermore, sharing HU Confidential Information with individuals or entities that lack authorization from HU to receive such information is not permitted. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Disclosing Conflicts of Interest

Employees are expected to consistently and promptly disclose any ongoing, proposed, or imminent situations that could potentially give rise to a Conflict of Interest. They should provide all relevant details regarding the Conflict of Interest as soon as its potential existence is noted. If an employee discovers a Conflict of Interest, they must inform their supervisor without delay. Before granting approval for an actual Conflict of Interest, the supervisor must seek guidance from the Office of Compliance and Risk Management. Inquiries regarding this policy or its application can be directed to the Office of Compliance and Risk Management by both employees and supervisors seeking clarity.

Equal Treatment, Opportunity, and Respect Policy

At Hope University, we are dedicated to upholding a policy that promotes equal treatment, equal opportunity, and respect for all individuals who have interactions with the University. This policy applies to our esteemed faculty, administrators, staff, students, and any other individuals associated with Hope University. We strongly emphasize the importance of non-discrimination and firmly prohibit any form of discrimination based on various factors, including race, gender, marital or parental status, citizenship status, age, disability, and any other legally protected status. At Hope University, we foster an inclusive and diverse environment where everyone can thrive, contribute, and be respected. We actively work towards ensuring that discrimination has no place within our institution, providing equal opportunities for all individuals, irrespective of their personal backgrounds or legally protected statuses. As a part of our commitment to fostering a welcoming and supportive community, we encourage all members of Hope University to familiarize themselves with the laws and policies related to equal treatment and non-discrimination. Should anyone have concerns about potential discrimination, we have established appropriate channels to address such matters and resolve them in a fair and timely manner. By recognizing and valuing the unique experiences and perspectives of each individual, Hope University continues to strive towards creating an environment that is inclusive, diverse, and built on the principles of equality and respect.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party vendors who have access to
HU’s tech infrastructure.


At Hope University, individuals working in the field of information hold positions of great responsibility and trust. Our primary objective is to ensure the smooth operation and protection of HU’s central information technology assets, which encompass networks, computers, telephones, access controls, information, and databases. Moreover, the technology-related services we provide are crucial for facilitating the seamless functioning of the University and catering to the needs of the University community. Consequently, it is imperative that each and every one of us adhere strictly to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics. The Code of Conduct is applicable to all individuals who fall under its coverage, which includes student employees. It also applies to those who work in information technology and related fields at HU, whether they are contractors, temporary staff, visitors, or hold any other position, whether on a full-time or part-time basis. It is important to note that the Code of Conduct does not establish a contract. Failure to comply with these established standards may result in disciplinary measures, including but not limited to dismissal. Additionally, if necessary, individuals may be referred to legal authorities for further action. Please be aware that HU IT holds the right to modify this Code of Conduct at its own discretion, without prior notice.HU’s tech infrastructure.

Policy on using the University’s access accounts:

Scope of Policy

The primary objective of the University Account and Network Usage Policy is to maintain a dependable and protected technological infrastructure. The university implements certain prerequisites for acquiring user accounts, gaining access to network resources, and guaranteeing their appropriate usage by authorized individuals. Additionally, the institution has implemented measures to curb any unauthorized or unauthenticated use of its technology systems, services, and data. These controls prioritize the secure functioning of the university’s technological environment, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of its resources. By adhering to this policy, all users can contribute to a secure and efficient working environment for the entire university community.

Authorized Use of HU Accounts

Authorized Users Authorized users of HU accounts comprise faculty, students, administrators, staff, researchers, alumni, and individuals associated with the HU community, such as guests, tenants, contractors, consultants, and visitors. It is essential to note that HU technology resources may solely be utilized by individuals who possess the requisite authorization.

Account Assignments and Access Restrictions

To ensure secure usage, authorized users are allocated one or more accounts, each featuring appropriate access restrictions. It is crucial for authorized individuals to employ solely those technology resources for which they possess authorized access.

Email Policy Statement:

This policy statement outlines the necessary guidelines for the proper use of email services at Hope University (HU). HU offers centralized email services, referred to as”HU Email,” to members of the university community. These services are aimed at supporting the educational mission of HU and facilitating institutional activities. It is essential that email is utilized responsibly, in accordance with relevant laws and aligned with the university’s mission and policies.


The purpose of this email policy is to define the essential requirements for the appropriate use of
email at HU. The policy covers the following aspects:

  1. Email as an Official Means of Communication: Email is considered an official mode
    of communication within HU. Email and Sensitive Information: Proper handling of
    sensitive information when using email services.
  2. Personal and Directory Email Addresses: Understanding the distinctions between
    personal and directory email addresses.
  3. Sending Bulk Email: Guidelines for sending bulk emails to ensure responsible usage.
  4. Email Relaying: Rules and restrictions regarding email relaying. Please review and
    adhere to these guidelines to ensure the effective and responsible use of email services
    provided by HU.

Email as Official Communication at Hope University

Hope University (HU) acknowledges email as an official means of communication within its community. It offers centralized email services to facilitate educational and administrative functions while ensuring efficient official communication. HU understands the necessity of transmitting information to students and employees through email promptly, expecting them to receive and review such communications without delay. To enable smooth receipt of university communication, all registered full-time and part-time students pursuing a degree program, along with faculty, administrators, and staff, are required to activate and actively maintain an HU Email account. Opting for email forwarding does not exempt individuals from their responsibilities as outlined by the University. They remain accountable for any missed communication or essential updates resulting from unreliable email handling.

Administrative Data Management Policy:

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the effective management and protection of administrative data within our organization.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party vendors who have access to administrative data.

Ownership and Responsibilities of Administrative Data

All Administrative Data is the property of Hope University. As such, every member of the University community and its affiliates is accountable for the proper usage and protection of this data. This policy aims to establish consistent standards for managing Administrative Data, ensuring its integrity, and optimizing its usefulness to meet the University’s requirements efficiently.

Shared Responsibilities

This policy serves to outline the shared responsibilities in safeguarding and utilizing Administrative Data effectively. It emphasizes two essential aspects:

  • Integrity: Members of the University community and affiliates must uphold the integrity of Administrative Data, ensuring its accuracy and reliability at all times.
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness: By adhering to this policy, individuals collectively contribute towards Administrative Data serving the University’s needs in an efficient and effective manner.

Policy Statement

  1. Data Classification: All administrative data shall be classified based on its sensitivity
    level in accordance with our organization’s data classification policy.
  2. Data Access: Access to administrative data shall be granted only to authorized
    individuals who require it for legitimate business purposes. Access controls and user
    privileges shall be established and maintained in accordance with our organization’s
    access control policy.
  3. Data Handling: All administrative data shall be handled with the utmost care to maintain
    its integrity, accuracy, and confidentiality. Employees must follow proper procedures for
    data input, storage, transmission, and disposal.
  4. Retention and Destruction: Administrative data shall be retained only for as long
    as necessary to fulfill legal and business requirements. When no longer needed, data shall
    be disposed of securely, following our organization’s data retention and disposal policy.
  5. Data Backup: Regular backups shall be performed to ensure the availability and
    recoverability of administrative data in the event of a data loss incident. Backup
    procedures shall be documented and tested regularly.
  6. Data Breach Response: In the event of a suspected or confirmed data breach involving
    administrative data, employees shall promptly report it to the designated authority and
    follow our organization’s incident response plan.

Compliance and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all employees, contractors, and third-party vendors to comply with this policy and cooperate with any related procedures, training, and audits. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Review and Revision This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its ongoing relevance and effectiveness. Any necessary revisions will be made in accordance with our organization’s change management process.